Despre Noi:
About us:

Situata in Gura Raului, intr-un peisaj pitoresc la poalele Muntilor Cindrel, gaterul nostru este rodul unui efort continuu plin de pasiune. De peste 3 decenii familia noastra a taiat lemn in acest loc si astazi inca o facem cu aceeasi pasiune. Aici producem cherestea rasinoase de cea mai inalta calitate de diferite dimensiuni.
Calitatea superioara, Promptitudinea si Cooperarea eficienta cu clientii nostri fac parte din prioritatile companiei. Fiecare produs este inspectat pentru asigurarea calității și este fabricat într-un mediu sigur și reglementat. Experienta de-a lungul anilor si orientarea catre nevoile clientilor justifica oferirea de servicii remarcabile cu preturi competitive.


Located in Gura Raului, in a picturesque landscape at the foot of the Cindrel Mountains, our sawmill is the fruit of a continuous effort full of passion. For over 3 decades our family has been cutting wood in this place and today we still do it with the same passion. Here we produce softwood timber of the highest quality in various sizes. Superior quality, promptness and efficient cooperation with our clients are part of the company's priorities. Each product is inspected for quality assurance and manufactured in a safe and regulated environment. The experience over the years and the orientation towards the needs of the clients justify the offering of outstanding services with competitive prices.